
Photos by Anna Horgen 

From the performance|Ritual: Naked Nature 2022 by Kjærsti Øverbø  

"Not only is she a seductress from the deep forest 

A nature creature born from the deep down darkness of from the roots beneath the roots of the forest, lakes, swamps and from underneath the echo of the steps of the animals.

She is also a creature of love. Not the type of love that keeps you safe. But that divine - RAW - wild love. That cuts you open-and wounds you precisely -so you can get to know your own myth. So you can get into your naked truth. 

She is a lover that unites lust and love. She is love-the way love kills - to truly be reborn. And to remember; The nature of our core and soul" 

- Kjærsti Øverbø 

So it is said that Huldra is hallow and empty in the back - where her heart is suppose to be. 

That she is a heartless creature of evil. That she is out to kill you, eat you or take your husband from you - and leave your soul to suffer. And your life left to rotten or starve. That she will miss lead you into dangerous waters, by telling you where to fish or hunt for your food, and you will end up giving your own blood... That she will tell you where to find the best berries, but as you kneel down, she will bit over your neck with her sharp teeth.  

And that might just be. But Huldra does not miss lead, she simply guides you into your own mystery. Just as Baba Jaga, Huldra knows medicine through the truth of the heart. And that my friend, is not a easy path to walk..

So they say, and as I believe, you should always listen to myths and fairytales. But you should listen carefully and with a deeply tuned inner ear. Because then you will hear into the roots of the wisdom, that lives in your own bones. 

And this, this is the story I would like to share with you. The bone story of Huldra. I want to take you into a shapeshifting, deep dive in through the swamps, through the ground of the forests, into the big, dark and  deep ocean of experiance, and let you feel. The stories alive in your own skin and bones! 

The living mythical lives we live and breath, and I am walking alongside the shapeshifting nature of the forests, seas, lakes, and even cities. 

Come walk with us, into the next chapter of this fairytale.

I am in research and in a deep dive into both skin and bones. The world of myths both outside and in.  

I need help and support by people that has traveled and journeyed into depth and cores of themselves, mythology, psychology, mysticism, theatre, dance, nature, art and folklore, fairytales and more.. 

List of people already involved will come! And the list of people that I want to include in research or/and to the creative process or result. And if you have found me and this post and feel or know you have something to do with this. Let me know! 

If you have anything to give to this project, research, performance that can support the birth of it into the world, or the deep dive into the work: Your expertise, or donateing your time, skills, art, money,  a space to work and/or rehearse. Or if you want to see this process or result live in your location/stage. I will appreciate that very much. 

Contact info and and PayPal / VIPPS:  If you want to financially support this project or to me as an artist. 

You can fallow my work here or on IG.

IG: poetic_beingness (Kjærsti Øverbø) 

PayPa: poeticbeingness / 

Vipps: 46776676

Contact me:

Love and gratitude from Kjærsti 

Photo by Anna Horgen

Needles by Charlyne Chiappone

From the performance|Ritual: Naked Nature-Feminine Roots 2023 by Kjærsti Øverbø 

Fallow the flow of the rivers that emerges from the center of your heart. And feel how the fire there, is lit by the big heart of the grate spirit of LOVE

- Kjærsti Øverbø 

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